Agência Nacional do Cinema
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The Audiovisual Sector Fund – FSA

The FSA is a federal fund and a landmark in the support of the audiovisual industry in Brazil, since it invests in all stages and activities associated with the audiovisual sector, such as project development, production, distribution/commercialization, exhibition and infrastructure. In the areas of both audiovisual production and distribution, this fund sets out lines of action involving TV content production.


The FSA’s resources come mainly from CONDECINE (“Contribution to the Development of a National Film Industry”), a tax applied:

- to the broadcasting, production, licensing and distribution of film and video works for commercial purposes;

- to service providers that distribute audiovisual content, such as telecommunications companies and pay-tv operators.


The funds received from the FSA are partially recoupable from the film’s net proceeds. The percentage of recoupment from each film project depends on various factors, including overall budget, total amount received and the percentage participation of the FSA in the film’s budget. 


Currently the FSA has three programs, which are divided into lines: 


a)    PRODECINE: Dedicated to supporting the development of Brazilian films.


LINE 1: Feature film production

LINE 2: Feature film production (projects applied by a Brazilian distributor)

LINE 3: Exploitation of feature films

LINE 4: Supplementary aid to feature film production

LINE 5: Feature film projects combining an innovative narrative form and artistic relevance

LINE 6: Co-production with Latin-American countries

LINE 7: Co-production with Argentina

LINE 8: Co-production with Portugal

LINE 9:  Co-production with Uruguay

LINE 10: Co-production with Chile



b)    PRODAV: Dedicated to supporting the development of the Brazilian audiovisual sector.


LINE 1: Production of independent audiovisual content for television

LINE 2: Production of independent audiovisual content for television

(projects applied by Free-to-Air or Pay-TV programmers)

LINE 3: Development of portfolios of projects by groups of creative

work professionals

LINE 4: Development of laboratories

LINE 5: Development of projects

LINE 6: Automatic financial support

LINE 7: Quality incentive program

LINE 8: Content production for public TVs

LINE 9: Videogames production



c)    Cinema Perto de Você (“A Movie Theater Near You”): Dedicated to supporting the development of infrastructure.


LINE 1: Opening of new movie theaters

LINE 2: Opening of movie theaters in towns or cities with more than 20, 000 and less than 100,000 inhabitants, where no cinemas are available

LINE 3: Exemption of federal taxes due to import/acquisition of material/equipment for movie theaters

LINE 4: Box-office control system

LINE 5: Digitalization of movie theaters


Source: ANCINE / Superintendência de Desenvolvimento Econômico.


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Agência Nacional do Cinema - Ministério da Cidadania - Governo Federal