Agência Nacional do Cinema
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Filming in Brazil » Overview

The Brazilian Law determines that the filming of foreign productions in Brazil must be previously reported to ANCINE*, which is the authority responsible for mediating, along with the Brazilian diplomatic representations abroad, the visa concession for cast and crew to participate in the shooting.


*Except for the filming of foreign productions of journalistic nature, which must be reported directly to the respective Brazilian diplomatic representations abroad.


  • Note: the foreign production company must first establish a partnership, by contract, with a Brazilian production company, which will be responsible under the Brazilian law for the production in the national territory. Therefore, the legal representative of the Brazilian production company will submit the Comunicação de Produção de Obra Audiovisual Estrangeira no Território Nacional (Communication of Foreign Audiovisual Content Production in National Territory) to ANCINE. It is worth reminding this communication is essential for the visa concession to the foreign cast and crew. 

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Agência Nacional do Cinema - Ministério da Cidadania - Governo Federal