Agência Nacional do Cinema
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Co-producing with Brazil » Overview

ANCINE’s commitment to diversity is reflected in the interest in fostering international cooperation between Brazil and other countries. In that sense, stimulating partnerships between producers of different nationalities contributes to the professional maturing of both parties, for projects developed together promote the expertise exchange and the access to new technologies and practices. The learning from those opportunities results in the production of higher quality contents and in the increasing of competitiveness of Brazilian cinematography in the international market. From 2005 to 2016, 117 Brazilian feature films were produced through international co-production with more than 20 countries. ANCINE’s expectation is that this number increases even more in the next years.


ANCINE’s role in encouraging international co-productions with Brazilian participation involves all the development stages of an audiovisual content of such profile, from the contribution to the negotiation of international treaties to the effective financial support for the production of these contents. Moreover, ANCINE considers it essential to support the visibility of Brazilian audiovisual contents abroad by encouraging the participation of audiovisual professionals in international festivals; the participation of audiovisual projects in international laboratories and workshops; and the closeness between Brazilian and foreign companies in market events. This strategy of expanding the international visibility of Brazilian audiovisual industry results in more contents produced through international cooperation, which, in turn, are potentially more likely to travel the world.


ANCINE, through the Audiovisual Sector Fund (FSA), has also been promoting financial support lines specifically for feature film projects under an international co-production arrangement with Brazilian participation, as can be seen in the Funding section.


Finally, in addition to executing actions that encourage international co-productions with Brazilian participation, ANCINE is responsible for issuing (i) the Reconhecimento Provisório de Coprodução Internacional (“Provisional Recognition of International Co-Production”), which certifies that the content to be produced provisionally meets the requirements of origin attribution, and also (ii) the Reconhecimento Definitivo de Coprodução Internacional (“Definitive Recognition of International Co-Production”), which occurs through the issuance of the Certificado de Produto Brasileiro (“Certificate of Brazilian Product”).


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Agência Nacional do Cinema - Ministério da Cidadania - Governo Federal